It is with so much gratitude that | can say our wee Gretchen is CURED !!!
After 8 long months - many sleepless nights and a sea of tears - we can finally say she made it!
Right before Christmas last year we got the news that our wee Gretchen had Dry FIP. A week in the emergency hospital, an MRI, drained
bank account and no alternative we thought we had to put her down - and then | found this group....
The most amazing people | was so blessed to find ... 70 needles and 70 nights of crying - then the oral meds til the end of June, then observation, and now finally the news that she's cured!
There was no treatment option other than that offered by this amazing group.
Their support, advice and patience got us through and | will be forever grateful ~ for without them
Walter wouldn't have his Gretchen