It was tough at the start. I took him to his family vet to get his dental procedure. I noticed that day his eyes seemed funny, almost like he just went blind. They did routine bloodwork before his dental, that didn't get done until two years later , they confirmed he was blind but his blood work came back severely anemic and he needed a blood transfusion immediately. Picked him up, rushed him to the university medical clinic. He had the blood transfusion and they conducted every test known to man to figure out what was causing his issues. They suspected FIP but they said there is no actual test for it so they can't be 100% sure but they are they are leaning towards it because everything else they were testing for was coming back negative. They said if it was FIP there was no cure and basically he will die so I made them keep testing for even more things just incase. Everything else was fine so they said it has to be FIP, again, nothing can be done. He had a leg that was previously shattered from an accident and it had a gazillion pins to keep the bones together. Xrays showed that that the pins were starting to fail and he was now having micro breaks. I thought maybe that was causing his inflammation so we removed his leg ( the leg was bad even with all the pins). He was still getting worse and there was nothing left to do so I sat in my truck in the parking lot outside the vet, crying, still not giving up I searched FIP in FB, found the group and here we are two years post treatment! Jackson wouldn't be here without you and the group and the medicine. It's an explosion of wonderful entity's coming together at the perfect time. He even regained his eyesight back! I will FOREVER be grateful!

FIP Warriors Canada