I adopted Stella when she was 4months old right after losing my previous cat. 1 month later was given the devastating news she has FIP. I knew nothing about it and was told it's 100% fatal. My vet referred me to FIP Warriors but that he could do nothing from the clinic. My whole drive home I was a mess. After contacting FIP Warriors, I decided I needed to try. 3 months of injections were hard and she was nauseous the whole time causing a struggle for her to eat. But my admins were very encouraging and knowledgeable to help me get through it. There were ups and downs where I didn't know if I could do it but the help I received and seeing all the posts about lives saved, kept me going. I am SO thankful and happy I did it because now she is officially cured. Now my little crazy acrobat can enjoy life full of toys, treats and love! Don't give up! There will be hard times but it's only a bump in the road to now see her cured and can live a normal, happy life!