This is Trixie. We adopted her along with her brother and three other unwanted cats from a local shelter in late December. Trix was a skinny little thing, only 5.6lbs, and was diagnosed with FIP in late January (wet/neuro/ocular). We almost lost her but after 15 weeks of injections and pills, we made it to observation and was cleared of FIP on August 4th. She is a tubby little hyperactive spastic cat and was having a great life.
Unfortunately, she has gone from one deadly disease to of the other girls we adopted, Pearl, had regressive FeLV that flared up and Trixie contracted it. We're hoping she can fight it off still to an abortive/regressive state...our poor Pearl couldn't and we lost her on Wednesday. Trixie is in isolation for another 6 weeks while we can vaccinate the rest of our crew.
Chris and Valérie were amazing helping us throughout the entire ordeal and we can't thank them enough.