Hello....We would like to share our story to give hope to other kitty parents.
Our journey started in early December.  Our beautiful sweet boy Kaiju (3 year old Maine Coon) wasn't feeling well.  The next day he was worse so we rushed him to the vets.  After bloodwork, sub Q fluids and antibiotics he continued to decline.  He ended up staying at vets for 5 days (going back and forth to daytime Vet, and then night emergency clinic) trying to figure out what was wrong with him.  Ultimately he was diagnosed with FIP and zero chance of survival.  Devastation is an understatement.  While sitting at the clinic with our boy the Vet mentioned a possibility of saving him,  FIP Warriors.  This was our ONLY hope of saving him and our veterinarian had already done some research and had experienced success from another diagnosed kitty. The process sounded long and painful for our poor kitty and we thought that euthanasia would be better for him.  We took our baby home and cuddled him and cried all night long. At 4:00 am, we decided we couldn't let him go and contacted the FIP Warriors.
The SECOND we reached out to this group we were greeted immediately, with our questions answered quickly.  Once all the decisions were made it was INSTANT ACTION to save our boy.  It was a very hard 4 months for all of us, but so worth it. Our boy was officially declared cured on April 1.  We cried tears of joy.  All our hard work and all the the efforts and guidance from the Warriors had worked.  No matter what time of day it was, they were there to help every single time. This terrible disease can be conquered!  We are forever grateful to our wonderful vet for going above and beyond for us, and to the Warriors who supplied us with the life saving meds and the knowhow to help our boy. We particularly thank Chris who was our Warrior liaison. Kaiju is happy and healthy and living his best life thanks to the FIP Warriors.

FIP Warriors Canada