2 out of 9 lives left!! Nalu was diagnosed with Wet FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis), Sept 2019. 4 vets and her breeder suggested we put her down to end her suffering. High fever, extremely low red blood cell count (requiring blood transfusion),High white blood count, lethargic, trouble balancing, enlarged abdomen filled with yellow fluid, trouble using her litter, loss of appetite, etc. We decided not to listen to the vets and bring Nalu home because we knew she still had some fight in her. After researching we discovered the GS Trials that’s had been done with success. Finally Hope! We started her on injectables and moved to capsules after a month however we noticed a significant improvement in only a couple of days. Mid treatment Nalu had confirmed pyomentra and we were lucky enough to be in contact with Dr Pedersen from UC Davis in California, a specialist on FIP, as we rushed her to emergency. She recovered quicker than everyone expected and the vet confirmed that at only 41 days she did not see any signs of FIP internally and her blood work also proved this. We had tears of joy. We continued with her full treatment to ensure no relapses and can’t wait for Graduation day! This little fighter isn’t going down without a fight 🥊

FIP Warriors Canada