Tansi's Fip Story
My cat Tansi was 16 years old and diabetic when he began to show signs of another illness. Unfortunately because FIP is much more common in young cats, no one considered this disease and instead diagnosed him with pancreatitis and treated him with pancreatitis medications for two weeks. Finally he seemed extremely ill and we brought him to Emergency. The next day a veterinarian called and he was diagnosed with FIP on the basis of effusion in his abdomen. She told me the disease was 100 percent fatal. But she also said I would be interested in reaching out to a Facebook group called Fip Warriors. She mentioned an experimental drug that might help. She said she could lose her job for telling me about the group. I made contact with Fip Warriors immediately. After only a few minutes I received a private message and a contact in my city. It was like Dallas Buyers Club, for cats. Within hours I had the treatment in my hands and was given detailed instructions on administration. I was able to email Tansi's bloodwork and medical notes, and also sent my Helpers (a group of 3 Admin) from the Warriors a video of Tansi walking and close up of his eyes. This enabled them to determine his correct dosage. So from a death sentence to having the first dose of treatment administered took about 6 hours. Over the course of 84 days and beyond my Admin team was available to us 24/7. They were a constant support both medically and emotionally and the Facebook group had a lot of information too. It was a real community and each sick cat was guided by their own team of Admin. They told us when to go for check ups at the vet, and I emailed them the bloodwork so that they could determine his progress. They walked me through syringe feedings and the administration of pain and nausea meds. They told me what to do when Tansi got sores from the treatment. They knew all about drug interactions from flea medications and insulin. They always provided access to syringes, vials, needles, and anything else needed if wires got crossed somewhere. They remained by my side when Tansi was cleared for observation and kept close watch on his bloodwork until he was officially cured. Tansi's diabetes went into remission. I will be forever grateful to my team for saving Tansi. This is an amazing organization and the people in it are absolutely life savers. Tansi has been cured since February 2021.
Photo attached is not real photo of Tansie